The Global Fund Implementers Board Retreat, 2019, Dakar Senegal
I had the honour and real pleasure of facilitating the 2019 retreat for the 10 implementer Board delegations to the Board of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB & Malaria. These are the members of the Board who represent seven groups of countries, and three groups from civil society (NGOs and communities most affected by the three diseases, and the NGOs that support them) who receive the Global Fund’s grants and implement programmes.
These 10 Board members and their delegations form what is known as the “Implementer Group” and are half of the Board that governs this game changing, $14 billion, global health institution that makes such huge change in the world over nearly 20 years. I had the privilege of co-facilitating their first ever retreat in 2011 and again in 2019 they chose to focus on Country Ownership and the challenges faced to deliver the most effective, innovative programmes for their populations, and to sustain changes as funding models shift in the future.
I’m now enjoying working with the Africa Constituencies Bureau (ACB) helping them to revise their governance framework so that they can support Ministers and other leaders from across the African continent in their leadership roles on the Global Fund Board, and in time across other global health instruments.